Android: let your mobile do the talking

Android: let your mobile do the talking

The new trend of communication now seen in mans hand is the new form of mobile. Now we can see mobile in every hands. Even from the hands of teenagers to old man. It is now essential to link each other. It’s an easy way to communicate with the people as the mobile is now multi purpose, multi variety and multi useful. Now it’s cheap and easily accessible for all. It can connect people in all parts of the world.
Every mobile requires an operating system to work properly. There is a lot of operating system available in market now. But the most common among the people is the ANDROID. The android has got a large advantage over other operating system. It was introduced during the ends of 2007.

The first released version was android 1.0 beta. Later many versions came into the market. Approximately twenty five versions reach the market. Now the most recently reached version in the market is the v 4.0.3. It was released during the Christmas days of 2011. Now around 67 percentage people use this mobile operating system.  Now around two millions of applications are available for the android users.  These are known as the market or Google play.
Annually around 3 billions of downloads has been noticed from this market. The market only provides apps for the android users only. The market software is already with the android sets. The apps are written in java scripts excluding the java SE and ME. The origin of android was from the open handset alliance of different mobile companies with the Google Inc. as a result of that a common operating system has been developed for the mobiles of these companies.
The logo of the android resembles the shape of a bug which represents as a robot in green color. The logo is stylish and attracting.  The android versions came in the market are cupcake, donut, éclair, FROYO, ginger bread, honey comb and ice cream sandwich. The market also provides the updates of the app. We can have updates in our apps which are already installed in our mobile phone.

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