Android: new dimensional change

Android: new dimensional change

Now in world’s communication networks most popular ones are mobile phones. It gained more popularity than that of telephones, as it is wireless and economically cheap and easily available. Another reason is it’s accessibility to all kind of people. Now the ordinary men to economic ideal all use the same. The price ranges from 500 to 50000.  It has got multi purpose utility. Now a day the mobile is not only used for the telecommunication purpose. Like the computer the mobile also need operating system to work. There are lot operating systems available in the market. Among them the more effective one is the android operating system. Now the world is running behind this operating system. It was during middle of 2008 it come to the market. Another feature is the limitless in the apps. Most of the smart phones use this software. It has got a better processing speed than any other operating system now available in the market. Now the android Inc. is run under the Google Inc. Most of the android apps are written in java scripts. Video calling can be performed using the android. We can also apply this operating system in eBooks, smart book, laptops, and net books etc. The android has also got so many up gradation. The Google tried their best in bringing new technologies in this operating system. As result of that many updated versions are available. The major versions available in the present market are 2.3 ginger band, 3.0 honey comb, 3.1 honey comb, 3.2 honey comb and 4.0 ice cream sandwich. The apps are available in the Google play formerly called as android market. In this market we can download apps at a free cost. But some newly camed apps need some payment also. The apps are arranged according to certain category. The apps are produced by the third party developers. The logo for android was developed by the ascender corporation. They had given a droid font family as the logo. The color for the logo is green. The most commonly used android version is the 2.3 ginger band. The android is available in an open code source software license and the Google publishes this under the apache license whose version is 2.0.

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